The D7K is basically a D7, the standard cruiser of the Klingon Deep Space Fleet, with improved phasers. The D7K was designed as a tough warship (no assigned scientific research for it!) with a good turn mode and lots of Marines (and transporters) for boarding actions and hit-and-run raids. In many ways it is THE iconic Klingon ship.
The D7K miniature can be used for many variants. Technically, it could be used for the D7 with the basic phasers. It can also be used as the D7A stasis battle cruiser, D7B (a D7 with B-refit improvements that do not affect the exterior ap-pearance), D7C command cruiser, D7D drone battle cruiser, D7L command cruiser, or the D7N diplomatic cruiser (which gets an excellent paint job!).
The D7K can also be used as the Hydran D7H Anarchist.
The Klingons sold the Romulans some D7s, so this miniature can also be used for the K7R battlecruiser, KRC command cruiser, and KRL command cruiser.
The Starline 2450 line is scaled to the Starline 2400 scale (1/3788), but more detailed. In fact, ADB uses the Starline 2500s as a base and then has the 2450s rescaled from that.
This lead-free pewter ship is sold unpainted. Painting guides are available online, but you can paint your ships any way you want. Due to the small parts, we do not recommend this miniature for children 12 and under.