Federation & Empire players asked for a compilation of F&E information from Captain's Log, putting all sorts of useful information in their hands in one easy book. Compiling all the information from Captain's Log #20-Captain's Log #40 actually took two books, Federation & Empire Compendium, Parts 1 and 2. Now that we have wrapped up Captain's Log #50, we have compiled Part 3 with all the F&E information from Captain's Log #41-Captain's Log #50. We even hunted up information from the Captain's Log Supplemental Files.
All of the rulings, Tactical Notes, questions and answers, Ship Information Tables, scenarios, playtest rules, and proposals from those issues are in this handy compendium. Captain's Log #41 marked the release of the F&E 2010 Rulebook, so you will have all the information about it.
These pages have not been edited from the original publication, so you may find an earlier ruling is changed later on. However, with this collection, you will know the why behind such decisions.
F&E Compendium Part 1 and 2