FC: Transports Attacked
Dylan Sanchez
A great set of scenarios and useful ships for playing non-traditional battles.
FC: Battleships Attack
Dylan Sanchez
The battleships are a huge amount of fun. Mighty, lumbering, and complex, they make for a great experience...
FC: Klingon Attack
Dylan Sanchez
A good collection of ships. The D5W is particularly useful as a bridge between the D7 and the heavier battlecruisers. The Tholian destroyer is another good addition. A good ship pack!...
Orion Dreadnought - card #B30
Dylan Sanchez
Great to have a high points value Orion ship. Fills a role and is fun like all Orion ships.
Andromedan Python - card #B41
Dylan Sanchez
A great option for a satellite ship. Fills a nice void!
Andromedan Dominator - card #B40
Dylan Sanchez
A hell of a battleship for the Andromedans! Sadly isn’t its own enormous card but its points value is absolutely bonkers. I love Andromedons so I’m glad to have a ship of this caliber....