Captain's Log #45 SSDs

Sale: $3.01
Save: 14% off

Code: 5745-2

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This include ships for Star Fleet Battles, A Call to Arms: Star Fleet, Federation Commander, and Starmada.

SFB: Kzinti Middle Years large and small Q-ships; Seltorian Milky Way Galaxy large and small Q-ships; Kzinti police cutter and police cutter carrier;and Neo-Tholian battleship, dreadnought, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer and frigate.

ACTASF: Federation scout frigate, destroyer scout, and new scout cruiser; Klingon F5S frigate scout, D5WD new drone cruiser, and D5S scout cruiser; Romulan SkyHawk-F destroyer scout, K55S frigate scout, Scout Eagle cruiser, and SparrowHawk-C scout cruiser; Gorn Carnosaurus-S-class destroyer scout, Ceratorsaurus-S-class battke destroyer scout, Megalosaurus-class large scout, and Stegosaurus-S-class heavy destroyer scout; Kzinti scout frigate, war destroyer scout, and medium scout cruiser; and Tholian Prism-class scout.

FC: Federation new scout cruiser, Kzinti medium scout cruiser, Tholian war scout cruiser, and Vudar war cruiser scout.

Starmada: Klingon E7, Gorn Raptoricon, Federation HDW, Romulan Vulture DN, large auxiliary cruiser, and Seltorian light battleship.

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This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 13 March, 2016.